As part of his continuing medical education, Dr. George Karagiannis has attended an educational workshop at the Weightworks Hospital, in Amersfoort in the Netherlands, which is a specialized bariatric surgery center with approximately 1500 cases per year.
The workshop was organized by: Dr. Frits Berends – MD PhD (Metabolic Surgeon and Researcher, Chair of the Dutch Guideline-committee on Surgical Treatment of Obesity, General Director WeightWorks Clinic ) and Dr. Edo Aarts – MD PhD (Metabolic Surgeon and Researcher, Co-author IFSO and ASMBS Guidelines on surgical treatment of obesity, Medical director WeightWorks Clinic)
The purpose of the program was to monitor the surgical technique One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass (mini Bypass) and how this technique can be used for permanent weight loss safely, without unwanted complications.